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Strongwell Fiberglass Grating
Duragrid Fiberglass Grating
Each bearing bar of our Duragrid grating is created from more than 250,000 glass fibers wrapped in a dense fiberglass mat, permanently bonded together with a thermosetting resin as they pass through a heated die.
This unique dual-construction process produces both lineal and cross-sectional strength, and draws the resins to the surface of the bearing bar, providing a resin-rich, noncorrosive exterior. Finally, a vinyl ester surfacing veil is added for maximum corrosion protection and skid resistance.
The final product, Duragrid, is so strong it can replace metal gratings of the same depth. The density of the fiberglass composite is one-fourth the density of steel. This, combined with its high strength, gives the composite a very high strength to weight ratio.
Our grating system can be custom fabricated in-house to suit a wide variety of applications. Panels are made to exact size and shape to eliminate waste and reduce your cost. Duragrid is available in an assortment of shapes and sizes. Options such as selection of open space, bar shape, cross rod placement, and curb angles are also available.
Click here for helpful information on how to properly size fiberglass grating.
To determine which size is right for you, please contact our sales engineers. Specifications are available upon request.