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Swimming Pool Test Kit Reagent Shelf Life

Since each reagent type is unique, trying to narrow down shelf life to one particular period of time for all reagents is impossible.
One common rule of thumb is to replace reagents at the beginning of each swim season. However, given proper care, many reagents can provide accurate and reliable results for longer than one season.
Date of manufacture is not the controlling factor when it comes to shelf life. Storage conditions are more important. Reagents are sensitive to environmental influences and will last longer under controlled conditions.
Reagents should be stored at 25°C (room temperature) and away from heat, humidity, moisture, direct sunlight and cold conditions. The storage temperature should be kept as constant as possible, without large fluctuations in temperature. Reagents should not be kept refrigerated, unless specified otherwise in the kit instructions or packing literature for the reagents. Reagents should not be stored in work vehicles, utility rooms, pool and pump houses or other environments where conditions may be harsh. Exposure to such conditions will compromise the quality and stability of reagents and shorten reagent shelf lives. Replace caps immediately after use and tighten carefully so that exposure to air and humidity is limited. Avoid switching caps, placing bottle caps on soiled surfaces, pouring reagents into contaminated containers, or touching test strip pads.
Since reagents are not 'made to order,' some of the published shelf life is lost on the manufacturer's shelves, in transit, or on distributors' shelves. As a result it is unreasonable to expect to receive reagents with the full published shelf life. We have consulted with our reagent manufacturers to determine reasonable expectations for remaining reagent shelf life once a reagent reaches a consumer. This allows us to publish a Reagent Shelf Life Guarantee for reagents purchased from us.
Many LaMotte pool and spa reagents have shelf lives of 2 years or more at the date of manufacture, although several have much shorter shelf lives (see below). LaMotte has begun printing expiration dates on their reagents to help you know when to replace reagents. Except for the reagents listed below or as noted on individual item pages, we guarantee LaMotte reagents that we supply to be good for at least one year when stored correctly and under proper conditions.
- LaMotte P-6741 DPD 1B Reagent – 12 months shelf life at time of manufacture, at least 6 months guaranteed shelf life when shipped
- LaMotte 7039 Total Alkalinity Indicator – 12 months shelf life at time of manufacture, at least 6 months guaranteed shelf life when shipped
- LaMotte 7041 Calcium Hardness 2 – 6 months shelf life at time of manufacture, at least 3 months guaranteed shelf life when shipped
- LaMotte 7042 Calcium Hardness 1 Buffer – 12 months shelf life at time of manufacture, at least 6 months guaranteed shelf life when shipped

Most Taylor Technologies reagents have a shelf life of 2 years at the date of manufacture. Taylor recommends, as a general precaution, replacing all reagents more than one year old, or at the beginning of a new testing season. However, keep in mind that a few Taylor reagents have significantly shorter shelf lives (see below). Taylor reagents now feature expiration dates to help you know when to replace reagents. Except for the reagents listed below or as noted on individual item pages, we guarantee Taylor reagents that we supply to be good for at least one year when stored correctly and under proper conditions.
- Taylor R-0002 DPD #2 – 15 months shelf life at time of manufacture, at least 8 months guaranteed shelf life when shipped
- Taylor R-0718 DPD Silver Nitrate – 15 months shelf life at time of manufacture, at least 8 months guaranteed shelf life when shipped
- Taylor R-0870 DPD Powder – 12 months shelf life at time of manufacture, at least 6 months guaranteed shelf life when shipped
- Taylor R-0871 FAS-DPD Chlorine – 15 months shelf life at time of manufacture, at least 8 months guaranteed shelf life when shipped
- Taylor R-0872 FAS-DPD Bromine – 15 months shelf life at time of manufacture, at least 8 months guaranteed shelf life when shipped
Palintest tablet reagents are typically manufactured with shelf lives of 2 years or more, depending on the reagent. We guarantee at a minimum at least one year of available shelf life on the Palintest reagents we sell, with most having much more available life than that.
We order stock reagents in small quantities to keep our stock as fresh as possible, but large enough quantities to be able to fill orders completely and consistently.
If we ship you a reagent that does not meet our guarantee, we will happily discount or replace the reagent, at our option. Contact us with your order number, reagent number, and any lot number and/or expiration date printed on the reagent.