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- Painting & Pool Repair
Painting & Pool Repair
We offer several brands and types of swimming pool and deck paint, including Ramuc, Sau-Sea, and Tuff-Coat. In addition, we stock surface preparation materials to help get your pool and deck surfaces ready for painting, helping you maximize your investment in pool and poolside surfaces.
All colors shown are approximations. We are happy to mail you color samples upon request.
For these surfaces, any pool paint can be used. Epoxy coatings offer the greatest longevity with 5 to 8 years of service. Acrylic- and rubber-based enamels typically last 2 to 3 years, and water-based coatings will last 1 to 2 years. Please contact our sales staff for assistance in choosing the right coating for your pool.
It is highly recommended to use the same type of coating when repainting a previously paintined pool.
How to Determine What Coating is on Your Pool
Immerse a small chip - about 1" - in denatured alcohol. If it dissolves, it is a water-based acrylic. If not, immerse a small chip of the existing coating into a solvent blend of 75% mineral spirits and 25% or Xylol. Wait 30 seconds and rub the chip between your thumb and forefinger. If the chip dissolves, it is a synthetic rubber-base coating.
If the chip does not dissolve, then immerse the chip in 100% solvent or Xylol. If the chip then dissolves, it is a chlorinated rubber coating. If it does not, it is an epoxy.
Tip: A synthetic rubber base coating can be applied over a chlorinated rubber coating, but a chlorinated rubber coating cannot be applied over a synthetic rubber.
It is important to properly prepare your pool surface before applying any new coating.
Dirt, lotions, oils, algae, and/or other contaminants do not allow proper adhesion between the pool surface and the new coating.
Washing Your Pool
We supply a wide range of products to wash your pool surface. It is recommended to scrub your pool surface with a mixture of tri-sodium phosphate (TSP) and warm water. Soap-detergents should be avoided, as they leave residue that inhibits proper coating adhesion.
How to Wash Your Pool
Eight ounces of tri-sodium phosphate should be mixed with a gallon of warm water. Approximately 200 square feet can be washed per gallon of solution. Dip a long handled brush in this solution and firmly scrub the pool surface in approximately 10 foot sections. Rinse off the residue with clear water immediately after scrubbing. Be careful not to allow the pool washing solution to dry on the surface. Always scrub the walls first and the floor last.
Note: Always read and follow manufacturer's product directions.
Acid etching is required on bare masonry surfaces like concrete or plaster. It is also effective for removing chalky residue and hard mineral deposits on a previously coated pool. Acid washing opens millions of tiny pores which allow the subsequent coating to penetrate, thus creating a secure cohesive bond. Even on previously coated pools, we heartily recommend an acid wash.
IMPORTANT: To prevent eye injury, NEVER pour water into acid. ALWAYS pour acid into water and wear protective eyewear.
Mixing the Acid
Mix in a plastic bucket a ten percent solution of muriatic acid in water. Most muriatic acid is packaged at 20% or 30% strength. One gallon of 30% muriatic acid mixed with two gallons of water will yield three gallons of ten percent solution. Likewise, one gallon of 20% muriatic acid mixed with one gallon of water will yield two gallons of ten percent solution. One gallon of the ten percent solution is sufficient for etching 100 square feet of pool surface.
The Etching Procedure
Liberally brush the acid solution on the surface. The acid will bubble on the surface when applied. As soon as this bubbling ceases, rinse the solution off with clear water. The surface should feel like fine sandpaper when properly etched. Splash a small amount of water on the surface to see if it is sufficiently etched. If the water soaks in fairly quickly, the surface is properly etched. If the water stands on the surface, another etching will be required or switch to a stronger acid solution. It is of utmost importance that you wash the pool again after etching. The tri-sodium phosphate in the pool washing solution will neutralize all traces of acid left on the surface after etching. After this second washing, allow the pool to dry before coating. Caution: Do not mix in a galvanized container.
To prepare a fiberglass pool for coating, sand the surface in straight lines with coarse sandpaper. (Do not use an orbital sander.) This sanding will create a mechanical bond for the epoxy coat. Once the fiberglass has been properly sanded, perform the pool washing procedure as described before. No acid washing is needed. Allow the surface to dry and you are ready to resurface your pool.
The amount of coating you will need for your pool is closely related to the smoothness of the pool surface. You will also need to know the total square feet of your pool interior.
How to figure the square feet in your pool
Find the form represented below that most closely resembles the shape of your swimming pool. The formula underneath will give you the approximate square feet of surface in the pool's interior. Check the coverage of the product you select to determine how many gallons you will need.
Product | Paint Type | Pool Surface | Coverage | Coats (bare) | Longevity | |
Ramuc | EP Hi-Build Epoxy | Epoxy | Concrete, Plaster, Gunite, Marcite, Steel, Bare Fiberglass | 125 sq. ft./gallon | 2 | 8 years |
HB31 Epoxy (comparable to Zeron) | High Build Epoxy 3:1 | Concrete, Plaster, Gunite, Marcite, Steel, Bare Fiberglass | 150-200 sq. ft./gallon | 2 | 8 years | |
EP Epoxy (comparable to Poxolon 2) | Epoxy | Concrete, Gunite, Marcite, Steel, Bare Fiberglass | 175-200 sq. ft./gallon | 2 | 4 years | |
DS (comparable to Hydrolon) | Acrylic | Surfaces Previously Painted with Acrylic, Chlorinated rubber, Epoxy or Bare Concrete | 350-400 sq. ft./gallon | 2 | 2 years | |
Type A (comparable to Paralon 2) | Chlorinated Rubber | Marcite, Plaster over Existing Synthetic Rubber or Chlorinated Rubber | 200-300 sq. ft./gallon | 2 | 5 years | |
Type A-2 (comparable to Optilon) | Synthetic Rubber | Marcite, Plaster over Existing Synthetic Rubber or Chlorinated Rubber | 200-300 sq. ft./gallon | 2 | 4 years | |
Sau-Sea | Eco-Choice Commercial Premium 2-Part Epoxy | Epoxy | Concrete, Plaster, Fiberglass | 350 sq. ft./gallon | 1 | 5 years |
Eco-Choice Natural Rubber (Ultra High Gloss/Semi-Gloss) | Natural Rubber | Concrete, Plaster | 350 sq. ft./gallon | 1 | 7 years | |
Eco-Choice Commercial Premium Vinyl | Vinyl | Any Previously Painted Surface | 350 sq. ft./gallon | 1 | 7 years |
Always remember to read and follow manufacturer's application instructions. Please contact us for further assistance.
Which types of coatings are best for spas and hot tubs?
Epoxy is the best choice for hot water applications.
How do I maximize the time between painting?
Make sure the surface was properly prepared prior to painting. Proper water chemistry also promotes the longevity of pool coatings.